Steps to enhance your software testing cycle
Introduction :
Check out these tips to improve your software testing cycle
Being organized :
It streamlines the testing process. If you’re running a product through several test scenarios, organizing your test cases may be the last thing on your mind, yet it saves time. It simplifies the process for you. Thus, efficient test management is key for a software test engineer to keep all data and automated reports accurate for future usage. If the test cases need to be re-run, they can repeat the cycle in a shorter time interval.
Smart test data :
Most automated tests generate data via UI in browsers. Rather than doing this, creating data directly in the database saves time if it is feasible with project conditions, other faster way is to create or pull data using APIs. Database calls are generally high cost and time-effective. Minimizing user interface interaction speeds up and improves test reliability. This method may not work well if the project involves complicated database interactions.
Concise automated testing :
If you have to spend most of your testing time waiting for builds or upgrades, it’s time to change your testing method. Using specialized software tools might save you much time. The duration of a test depends on the scope of test cases. The goals must be concise and clear.
Parallel test execution :
Rather than running each test one by one, combining two or more test cases can help you do the process faster. Automation lets you test more pieces of your software faster, but it takes time. Parallel testing allows faster testing by executing more test cases in less time. The disadvantage is that tests running in parallel may interfere with one other, especially if they reference the same browser resource. Using multiple browsers for different threads is a smart strategy.
Using a modular approach :
Modular test management makes manual and automated testing simple. When there are flaws, these suites help the engineer analyze the failure. Reusing modular tests saves time for the quality assurance team. The method organizes tests by function, preparing the foundation for test automation development.
Moreover, the test engineer should focus on the test coverage, their execution, and defect detection rather than writing tests. Finding an existing module and changing it to meet the testing requirements can save much time.
Understand the test pyramid :
A solid theoretical foundation might also help you get better results. It’s the first step to success. There are unit, performance, integration, and user interface tests. Using the Test Pyramid, testers can add new tests to the lower levels of the pyramid. Tests at the lower levels are frequently faster than UI tests.
In Summary
These are some of the most effective tips to speed up the testing process. It’s not difficult to speed up testing. SDET Tech can help you implement a more efficient, reliable, and scalable software testing process. Talk to our experts to know how we can bring more business value.