Welcome to SDET Technologies



Experience seamless Test Automation across both Desktop and Mobile devices with our All-In-One(AIO) platform. With support for multiple browsers and native apps, our platform simplifies the process of test automation, making it easier than ever before.

Key Features :

1. Multirole Code :

A Single Framework for Automated Functional Testing, Digital User Experience, and Availability Monitoring through Synthetic Tests.

2. Automated API Testing :

By incorporating a layered architecture and lower maintenance requirements, our framework empowers engineers to focus on test development and coverage.

3. In-built Reporting :

Includes built-in reporting capabilities, and also supports other reporting tools like Extent.

4. Seamless Integration with CI/CD Tools :

Designed to seamlessly integrate with CI/CD tools, making testing an integral part of the development process.

5. Shift-Left Approach :

Designed for a shift-left approach, enabling nth build test automation when aligned with your development process.

6. Parallel Test Executions:

Our framework supports parallel test executions, which can significantly reduce testing time.

7. Cloud Services Integration :

Works seamlessly with popular cloud services like Browserstack, Sauce labs, and AWS Device Farm.

8. Robust and Scalable :

Allowing you to add new features and capabilities on the fly.