Challenges faced in agile testing process and solutions
Introduction :
Agility in development means real-time discovery of requirements and introducing changes as per the needs arising with interactions that happen between the product and users. Agile development works on four principles – collaboration, understanding of requirements, product behavior and adaptability and development as per documentation. Thus, it is a continuous process and can deliver the best results with agile testing services.
Agile testing services take up the testing work right through the software development life cycle and provide timely insights to base the changes required to achieve customer experience. The process demands continuous participation, which in turn, poses a few challenges, such as:
- Collaborative procedures: Agile testing takes viewpoints from the experts of various fields. It proves challenging to put together teams and manage them. Sometimes, it results in delay of the process as human interaction is preferred over automated responses.
- Insufficient test coverage: Since the CI (or continuous integration) and frequent changes are to be carried out, the likelihood of missing on some tests cannot be ignored.
- Waiting time: Devices are to be shared among team members. Thus, testing time for the one member may mean three other members putting the process on hold due to device unavailability.
- Late defect detection: Agile testing services may face the challenge of defects getting detected at a later or post-production stage. That becomes cumbersome for the developer and costly too. It is why the focus is on automating the process to detect defects at an early age.
- Deferred tests: Agile testing features performing sprints. These are the small chunks of work performed real fast. Thus, coverage becomes limited understandably, and ultimately throws some crucial and complex tests out of the purview. It may backfire due to lack of cross-browser compatibility, API testing, etc.
Summing up:
Agile testing sounds innovative but has a lot of scope for improvement. The challenges are many and are of crucial type. These can be overcome with automated testing solutions having wide coverage and sophisticated processes. With the best solutions integrated into the testing framework, several defects can be detected and corrected on time leading to faster and more quality output. SDET Tech is one of the leading google agile testing service provider company.